
Law Related Education

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 1 month ago

Law Related Education:  

Local Sites for Tompkins County, N.Y.


Ithaca Police Department Explorers Post #392

“The Ithaca Police Explorers is a program that educates young men and women between the ages of 14-21 about the exciting field of Law Enforcement. We have found that this program to be successful in enhancing the futures of young adults who wish to enter a human service career. Several of our members have gone on to college and have began careers in Law Enforcement, Fire Service, Emergency Medical Services, Military, Psychological services and Forensic Science.”


Contact Officer Anthony Scaglione



Tompkins County High School Business Law Tournament

This tournament includes all the business law classes in the county and is held each January.  For information contact your school’s business law teacher.


Tompkins County High School Mock Trial Tournament/NYS Bar Association

The Law, Youth and Citizenship (LYC) Program of the New State Bar Association in conjunction with the Tompkins County Bar Association sponsor the New York State Annual High School Mock Trial Tournament (grades 9 -12) each spring. High schools in Tompkins County who wish to participate in the contest may enter a team of at least eight students.  An attorney from the Tompkins County Bar Association’s law-related education program is assigned to each participating team.  The attorneys are available to assist the teacher-coaches, as well as members of the team preparing for their trial enactment.  Cornell Law students also work with the teams. An orientation session is held in November. The Tompkins County Coordinator is Karen Adams  kadams@icsd.k12.ny.us.




Tompkins County Human Rights Commission

“The Tompkins County Human Rights Commission Genevieve Smith Moot Court Competition provides a chance for high school students in Tompkins County to test their legal analytical abilities in a competitive environment.”  The moot court competition is held each November.  The case is prepared and distributed by the Human Rights Commission and all materials needed are included in the packet.  Students participate in teams of two.  Each team presents a fifteen-minute argument followed by rebuttal.

Contact Kristina M. Belanger, Senior Paralegal

Tompkins County Human rights Commission

120 West State St.

Ithaca, NY.



Youth Assistance Program at Auburn Correctional Facility

“The Youth Assistance Program has been successful in its efforts in presenting verbal and dramatic illustrations of the consequences of anti-social behavior.  It helps the youth realize their own self-worth.”  Students, with their teachers or youth workers may attend the Youth Assistance Program by making arrangements with the YAP office.

Auburn Correctional Facility


135 State St

Auburn, NY  13024


Tompkins County Courts


Tompkins County Court


Listed below are the county courts that are in session at set times each week.  Other sessions may be better choices for student attendance.  Call the County Court House clerks for information on when others courts are in session.

Family Court

Monday           @ 9:00 am

Friday              @ 9:00  am

New petitions the first and fourth Mondays

Initial appearances for domestic disputes

Monday           @ 1:30 pm


Ithaca City Court



Town of Caroline Court



Town of Danby Court



Town of Dryden Court 



Town of Groton Court



Town of Ithaca Court 




Town of Newfield Court 



Town of Ulysses Court



Village of Cayuga Heights Court




Mock Trial and Legal Studies Links on the Web


Constitutional Rights Foundation, California


Good source for an introduction to mock trail.




Constitutional Rights Foundation, Chicago


Good source for free mock trial cases for classroom use.




Deliberating in a Democracy


Deliberating in a Democracy provides lesson plans on pertinent international issues.  They define deliberation as “meaningful discussion focused on the exchange of ideas and analysis of arguments with the aim of making a decision.”  Unlike debate, which creates a win-lose outcome , deliberative dialogue creates a win-win outcome.






“Findlaw is a comprehensive guide to legal information. The site contains general legal information geared towards legal professionals, law students, businesses, and the general public. There is a link to the Supreme Court Center where one can look up the current Supreme Court docket, cases as well as past cases decided by the Court. There are links to law-related news articles, a legal career center, and a legal dictionary.”




The Internet Law Library


“The Internet Law Library (formerly the U.S. House of Representatives Internet Law Library) was originally provided to the public courtesy of the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the U.S. House of Representatives. This was part of the Counsel's mission to make the law available to the public.”


The site provided links to a large number of legal resources relating to American (federal and state) and foreign laws.”




The Legal Information Institute is Cornell Law School


“The Legal Information Institute is Cornell Law School's award-winning site, probably best known for its materials on U.S. Supreme Court decisions, particularly from the 1990s. A special feature provides each month's orders so that you can find out about grants and denials of certiorari. There are 610 historical opinions organized by topic, party name, and opinion author. Legal Information Institute also has a summary of current key cases from the U.S. courts of appeals and state supreme courts; a legal ethics library (useful with Chapter 6 of Street Law); a section with decisions of the International Court of Justice; and legal materials from countries on every continent. There are extensive materials on the Amistad case.”




Mock Trial Explanatory Guide


This is a comprehensive guide to rules and procedure for conducting a mock trial.  Although  the guide was developed for the Iowa Mock Trial Competition, it is a through resource for any teacher using mock trial as an educational tool.



Nolo's Self-Help Law Center


“Nolo's Self-Help Law Center gives you a run-down on the legal topics that individuals are most likely to want to know about, such as consumer law, landlord/tenant law, and family law. This site is practical, easy to use, and is designed for persons without legal training. If you are playing in a band, dealing with a noisy neighbor, starting a small business, or making a will, you will benefit from the practical tips Nolo offers.”.




NYS Consortium for Civic Learning


 “This website presents a preK-12 civics education scope and sequence for New York State teachers, supervisors, and curriculum developers including the following components: Concepts, Content understandings, Learning objectives, Knowledge goals, Learning skills and Civic dispositions.”




NYS Bar Association Mock Trial 101 Downloadable Training Videos


“Download training videos designed to give Mock Trial teams a competitive edge - whether they are first-year teams or experienced participants. Mock Trial 101 is part of the award-winning NYSBA Youth Empowering Youth Program honored by the American Bar Association as one of the winners of the ABA’s 2007 Outstanding Law Day Activity Award.”




NYS The Law, Youth and Citizenship (LYC)


“The Law, Youth and Citizenship (LYC) Program promotes citizenship and law-related education in schools throughout New York State. LYC assists educators in creating opportunities for students to become effective citizens able to participate fully in our democratic society.” This page is a link to the most current NYS mock trial materials and past mock trial cases.




Oyez, Oyez, Oyez


“Oyez, Oyez, Oyez is a project of Northwestern University Law school. It includes a fascinating article on the history of the word oyez, many oral arguments of U.S. Supreme Court cases, a virtual tour of the Court, and interesting information about the justices.”




Picturing Justice, University of San Francisco Law School

“From 1997 to 2006 Picturing Justice published over 300 short articles on the intersection between law and lawyers on one side and popular culture on the other. While we are no longer accepting new articles, we hope readers will continue to enjoy the articles in our archives.


For articles on movies, click on "Silver Screen". For articles on television, click on "Small Screen." Articles discussing broader issues are found under "News and Views."




The Supreme Court




Street Law.com


“Welcome to streetlaw.com--the new and exciting Web site for Street Law teachers and students. Each button on this site is the gateway to great stuff. Cases and Resources contains hundreds of links to sites organized to coordinate with the contents of the Street Law text, many with activities. Supersites links you to the best all-around law-related sites on the Web. These buttons have been specially constructed to withstand billions of clicks because we know you will use them over and over again.”



Washington State Courts


This is a great site for lesson plans for use in elementary, middle school, and high school classrooms.



Civic Education Links on the Web


The Capitol Forum on America's Future


“The Capitol Forum is an experiential civic education initiative that gives high school students a voice in public consideration of current international issues. The program is run on a statewide basis in participating states and involves students both within the social studies classroom and beyond the classroom at their state capitol. The Capitol Forum seeks to raise awareness on critical international issues and to help develop a foundation for long term civic engagement.”




Constitutional Rights Foundation (CRF)


“The Constitutional Rights Foundation (CRF) is a non-profit, non-partisan, community-based organization dedicated to educating America's young people about the importance of civic participation in a democratic society. Under the guidance of a Board of Directors chosen from the worlds of law, business, government, education, the media, and the community, CRF develops, produces, and distributes programs and materials to teachers, students, and public-minded citizens all across the nation.


CRF staff includes teachers and educators, lawyers and athletes, community organizers and fundraisers, designers, writers, and editors. They provide technical assistance and training to teachers, coordinate civic participation projects in schools and communities, organize student conferences and competitions, and develop publications in the following areas:


    * Law and Government programs and materials focus on how groups and individuals interact with the issues, institutions, people and processes that shape our laws and government.


    * Civic Participation programs and materials bring to life the rights and responsibilities of active citizenship by challenging young people to explore their community and plan and implement projects that address community needs.”




The People Speak?


“Welcome to The People Speak, a community of young people who are passionate about global issues. Here, you can exchange ideas and perspectives with young people from around the world and learn more about how you can make a difference.


Since the campaign began at the United Nations Foundation in 2003, there have been more than 20,000 TPS activities reaching young people in all 50 states and more than 60 countries. Below you will find links to our ongoing campaigns, programs and contests. “




Street Law.org


“Street Law, Inc. is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing practical, participatory education about law, democracy, and human rights.  Through its philosophy and programs, people are empowered to transform democratic ideals into citizen action.


Street Law provides resources and solutions for:


    * Teachers and Educators


    * Lawyers, Law Students, and Judges


    * Law Enforcement Officers/School Resource Officers


    * Juvenile Justice Professionals


    * Government Agencies”




We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution


“The primary goal of We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution is to promote civic competence and responsibility among the nation’s elementary and secondary students.  What makes the program so successful is the design of its instructional program, including its innovative culminating activity.


The instructional program enhances students understanding of the institutions of American constitutional democracy. At the same time, students discover the contemporary relevance of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.


The culminating activity is a simulated congressional hearing in which students "testify" before a panel of judges. Students demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of constitutional principles and have opportunities to evaluate, take, and defend positions on relevant historical and contemporary issues,  their work and present their project in a public hearing showcase before a panel of civic-minded community members.”




We the People: Project Citizen


 “ We the People: Project Citizen is a curricular program for middle, secondary, and post-secondary students, youth organizations, and adult groups that promotes competent and responsible participation in local and state government. The program helps participants learn how to monitor and influence public policy. In the process, they develop support for democratic values and principles, tolerance, and feelings of political efficacy


Entire classes of students or members of youth or adult organizations work cooperatively to identify a public policy problem in their community. They then research the problem, evaluate alternative solutions, develop their own solution in the form of a public policy, and create a political action plan to enlist local or state authorities to adopt their proposed policy. “




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